ForTerra Solutions

Authorised Reseller for BrainBox AI

BrainBox AI

Cutting Edge Technology that makes use of Artificial Intelligence with focus on HVAC to reduce energy consumption by up to 25%

Simple Process & Quick Results

About Us

Current Scenario - 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions originate from buildings and HVAC systems are responsible for over 50% of those emissions.

Founded in 2020, our directors have a combined experience of 10+ years in the field of Technology and HVAC. We are driven with the need to leave a better environment for the future generations. Our first step in order to achieve this is to help people reduce their energy consumption by providing preemptive solutions to the existing heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
Our focus is on smooth transition to these solutions, customer satisfaction and a price for performance beyond compare.

Our Mission

Introducing technology solutions to clients which will help them reduce efforts, human intervention and energy consumption thus minimising their costs and inturn saving the planet


Saving the environment by reducing the carbon footprint through technology based solutions








Team of Experts

Rahul Kankariya

Promoter and Director

Ms. Lipsa Mehta

Promoter and Director

Brainbox AI Users

Forterra Solutions

Let's Talk?

Please contact us any time you have any issue or question. We would be happy to help you.

C/4106,41st Floor, Oberoi Esquire, Oberoi Garden City, Off W.E Highway, Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400063

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